Morky unban/shorten request
Your name: [FL:RP] Morky

Your ban ID: 13899

Banned by: [FL] PrivateToast

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d

Involved: Hectik, PrivateToast

Why we should unban you: Though I believe the ban was deserved due to our lazyness we should of called an admin when the fading door glitched out, using a chair to get through it was an option and obviously the wrong one, 3 days 12 hours is rather harsh for this offence, we had keypad crackers so using a chair wasn't even needed and wasn't intended to be used if the prop wasn't glitching out for us at the time

P.S. Hectik was also banned for this reason, same time and for the same length and also didn't intended to do this, so this unban request is on his part too. (ban id 13900)
3½ day is very deserved, also you had crackers why not use them?
(08-20-2012, 01:22 PM)PrivateToast Wrote: 3½ day is very deserved, also you had crackers why not use them?

They were used Hectik clearly had one out and showed you, 3 and half days isn't a very fair duration for this offence, I think this server needs some kind of ban time guidelines, for example ban id 13950 has just been banned for 24 hours for spawning large props in public and ignoring admins, this is disruptive to everyone in that area and the ban is way shorter than ours, which didn't effect anyone in any way it was an accident.

I agree that it's your expertise and experience and right as an admin to decide the duration but a ban this long for a petty mistake is rather harsh


Yes you showed me that you guys had them, but you used seats to avoid keypads. Also don't think about others bans and make it unfair for your self.
and of course, using seats to avoid keypads it's an accident... Nope it can't really be an accident.
Getting stuck under the stairs then using the chair to pop out of them led us into the ceiling, we didn't see it as much at the time as we were fully equipped with moltov's and keypad crackers, this is a petty offence and the duration is kind of harsh. And I believe my point about other bans is right, I don't understand why chaos can unveil in the city and toward me and people go unpunished and then such a lengthy ban for a little offence is given when it had no real effect on the server's RP.

"It's only game, why you heff to be mad?"
You guys wasn't stuck, I saw you came up from the chairs with a gun in your hands and your mate was waiting or so. As soon he saw you he spawned a seat and so did you, you failed couple times to get upstairs.

And drop it, you can't compare other bans with yours and differently not other admins. Ban will stay.

Ban request denied.

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