Reason for raid
I just want to make sure, but is it aganst the rules to wait outside a base/shop/appartment for the sounds of refill to have a reason to raid? I mean like in real life if you are going to make a burglary you are just driving around to you find a house/appartment you want to break into and then you ... Like ... "Randomly raid" the house/appartment ... But thats aganst the rules ingame, So do anyone have any method to raiding without breaking the rules? Smile

Dont you feel safe behind that screen, while F***ing with me!

Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under "-HL Mencken.

"Every war when it comes, or before it comes, will not be presented as a war but as a self-defense against murderous madman. "-George Orwell.
Difference between burglary and raiding.

Raid involves guns and death.
Burglary involves stealing while the owner is out.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
The way the rules work means you cannot really steal from people, not much to steal anyway. And so to raid you have to have a valid reason. Raiding for contraband is a reason, no idea why, and so you have to either see/hear the contraband.
But it most then technically means that if you stop up right outside a "base/house/appartment for smoking a short cigerate witch take about 5 min and then hear contras on the other side of the wall, that you are able to raid the place with a valid reason dont it?? Skeptical
Dont you feel safe behind that screen, while F***ing with me!

Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under "-HL Mencken.

"Every war when it comes, or before it comes, will not be presented as a war but as a self-defense against murderous madman. "-George Orwell.
Hearing contra is a matter of luck. If you're talking about a non-government raid then you can't come in guns blazing. Try to see if the owner is inside and lure him out, make the violent raid your last resort, and even then make sure you actually have an RP reason to do it.
Government raids are a bit different, because you can ask for a warrant to search the premises, though that can be more difficult and dangerous (depending on the current status of the server RPers vs. Minges).
The best advice I can give you is try and think every situation through, referencing to the rules. If you have doubts try to politely contact an admin or a senior player to give you advice.

Have fun playing!

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