99attack's unban request
Your name: 99attack

Your ban ID: 9969

Banned by: Beflok

Server: v33x

Involved: Pretty much everybody on the server at that same time.

Why we should unban you: So the last time I was on Fearless I got perm banned for massive rdm, backseat admin, and Beflok even said that I was aimbotting. Well that is partly right, I do admit that I did went on a really massive minge fest and killed about 80 people, and I admit that I did backseat admin. Though I "did not" use an aimbot, Even though it might have seen like I did getting a number of 80 kills but I didn't. I did go behind people and stabbed them with a knife, I did use a crowbar and just bashed almost everyones face in. I did spawn trapped some people that only had like 6 hours on the server that basically couldn't defend themselves, I did random hostage roped people for my own entertainment and just killed em' afterwards, and I was so stupid for doing all of that. I thought I could get away with it since no admins were on, but I didn't. I think Soul has put together an amazing admin team that if you were to do something wrong, the admins are going to get you sooner or later. I know this might make me seem like I'm a really bad person killing pretty much everyone on the server over and over again but I'm not, sometimes I just do really stupid things. I do actually try to help people out sometimes that have just joined the server, and that are new. Fearless is an amazing server fill with really great people. I'm pretty new to gmod, I've only played for about like 200 hours and about 160 of those hours came from Fearless, and it's a server that I really want to keep playing. I know I've done something really bad, and I've broke almost like every rule there was but I promise if you guys just give me 1 more chance, I promise I won't mess up, I'll play by the rules, I won't break nlr, I won't random raid, I won't rdm anybody anymore. I'll play all legit. I really want to keep playing, it's been such a blast. I promise, just 1 last chance, and you won't regret it. I know I can change.
You've broken too many rules. Killing 80 people makes the server not a nice place to be anymore, it makes it equal to DarkRP servers and other poor RP servers. Imagine if someone just joined the server and he sees behaviour like this.. He would just leave and never come back again. Guys like you are my biggest annoyance, they think they get away with everything they do just because there is no admin online, this causes me to drop everything and join the server to see what's going on, or even worse: to search in tons of logs what happened.

80 kills and the combination of the other broken rules is ridicilous. I really considered giving you a second change but this is unacceptable.
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