About Cars & Parking etc.
If possible, you guys could create some parking spots around in the map.
Just make 3-4 spawn points for your car? Smile

One in the garage.

One at UM.

One at industrial.

And one at the yellow house close pool.
Still think editing the permanent laws would be easier.
Didn't think of different places where you can spawn them but like the idea.

I think it would be cool to be only able to spawn it at some places because otherwise you can like spawn your car wherever you want, even in houses.
Dare to think!
I hate it when I hit my bind at the worst of times.. Kills any RP completely.
I think that what needs to happen is there be a few spawn/park places for your car, and you could choose which one you would want it to go to before you spawn it, or it just goes to the one closest to you. Because the Villa thing is a problem but the really big problem with the car spawning right then and there is that the cops just spawn their cars right when they see someone and just hop in. Its not like in real life if I was a cop I could take my police car out of my backpack and plop it down on the road. Lastly I think this whole garage spawn will reduce car drop death. I always hear people going on about that but if they all spawned in the garage, and someone got killed, they couldn't blame anyone. This may be complicated but just an idea off of an idea.
Why not just add : Where you park your car you will have to spawn it.
That's how it goes in my friends SA:MP Roleplay Scipt.
(12-28-2010, 03:31 PM)[FL:RP]Shark Wrote: What if we just edit the permanent laws so that Cops can confiscate cars parked on the street, because they're illegally parked etc., add a few World Props in the Garage next to nexus to make parking spaces.
Oh but make it legal to park in that section by BP, we kinda need that for car RP,

That should hopefully add a bit of realism, and maybe, reduce CDM because you reduce congestion/confusion.

On that note, I love the idea however I feel that would be incredibly abused. Especially if the confiscated cars went into that officers inventory. Which brings me to the question, where would they go? Maybe lock them and have them spawn in the BP garage by the offices? Make a door ONLY openable by CP? Anyways, not trying to be an ass or anything, just questioning. Overall I like where your idea is going.

Nope. As the RP does already, they drive the confiscated car into the garage.. then the person pays a fine.. etc.. Tounge
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(12-28-2010, 12:55 PM)Dragon Assassin Wrote: Be easier to make our own map and add what we want on the map and set the spots.
I'm in.

When I've finished my current project that is.
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