About Cars & Parking etc.

I suggested this already to Soul but just so all of you hear it:

I would like to change the thing where your car gets picked up to the Garage next to the Offices (it's a real garage) not a car wash thing like at BP.

Also everytime you "use" your car it spawns right in front of you atm. I would suggest that this is changed so it spawns in the garage I described before or that you can only spawn it in there, like this it's more realistic then just spawning it right in front of you. You could get it out of a real garage...

Hope you likey like.
Dare to think!
So your saying, your car spawns in the garage and gets removed there as well?
Now that fails Cheese But it's a pretty good idea; Since we already had to make the pick-up more realistic, Why don't make the spawning realistic too? Smile
But when you are at villa 2 and you need your car you have to walk to the Garage first, that's annoying.
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Could you not make it spawn in the Garage, if you're in the city?
I agree with Soul - It's easier to just spawn it where you are.

Especially if you're say, out at industrial or Villa's - You'd have to walk MILES to get your car.

Alternatively would be multiple garages around the city - like one at each big area - to remove that problem?
Be easier to make our own map and add what we want on the map and set the spots.
Well, we do have at least two options: Change the corleonespawn to somewhere in the city or very close to it, like the rebels does.
Or there could be a car-spawn in the tiny garage behind the Corleone spawn? Smile
I think it should spawn infront of you, but i think that when you wan't to park it, then it should be in the garage.
What if we just edit the permanent laws so that Cops can confiscate cars parked on the street, because they're illegally parked etc., add a few World Props in the Garage next to nexus to make parking spaces.
Oh but make it legal to park in that section by BP, we kinda need that for car RP,

That should hopefully add a bit of realism, and maybe, reduce CDM because you reduce congestion/confusion.

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