Banned :(
Your name: Mr.Dragon GR
Your ban ID: 12987
Banned by: [FL] Zzzzap
Server: Evocity v33x
Involved: bmxerjojom
Why we should unban you: An admin saw me killing my friend but i killed him because he wanted it and he said it was gray and annoying.I should tell admin but i lost connection.
Use the template.
Your name: Mr.Dragon GR
Your ban ID: 12987
Banned by: [FL] Zzzzap
Server: Evocity v33x
Involved: bmxerjojom
Why we should unban you: An admin saw me killing my friend but i killed him because he wanted it and he said it was gray and annoying.I should tell admin but i lost connection.
He didn't say anything, I was spectating you guys at Burger King for ~5 minutes and none of you said a think, I suspect metagaming.
Did you use skype or any other third party program to communicate to each other in-game?

You cannot kill anybody because they wanted to be killed, infact I should ban bmxerjojom too for wanting to be killed, but I can't since none of you typed to each other in game.

EDIT: Fixed original post
Yes we used skype but he told me that he wrote something and i think you didnt receive it or see it and i learnt my mistake and im so sorry Sad

I wish you could give me a last chance.
Unban request denied, ban was justified.

Consider yourself warned, you cannot use skype to communicate IG.

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