Ban request [Catkillerfive[uNo]]
Name of player: Catkillerfive[uNo]

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:38847091

Time in GMT: +- 17:10 pm

Server: v33

Summary: The officer random tazed, handcuffed and killed me. I have done nothing, check the logs! First he shoot at a (Chef) and then random me.

Evidence: Video

I have a second video if he killed me in my bmw. if u need this please tell me. Thank u!
I was chasing that chef for trespassing Nexus. Mesh kept Uncuffing him all the time. Also, I was damaged from behind, you where the only one that was behind me. And I heard a Crowbar swing so I was 100% sure that it was you. Also, you tried to hide in the 1th second of the video. Also, I killed you because you tried to run away in that BMW while I attested to Arrest you. Which also prove that you broke FearRP as I was holding a gun out. So technically you should be banned for breaking FearRP
lol u have no reason to point with a gun on me. let check the logs.
I had to anyway, you assaulted me (From my point of view) and I was attempting to arrest you. If it wasn't you that Attacked me, the who did it then. WHO DID IT?!
lol ask the admins. not me.
Well then, I was acting after instinct. You where the only one behind me so I presumed it was you. We will have to wait for Admin with logs anyway. But I'm still innocent from my point of view as I only acted after what happened (What I saw, felt and Heard)
I only see that you broke FearRP there and taze was totally in its place.
Ban request denied.

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