Fail RP.
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?)
Mr Ice (mic spam)
Rambox (for meta)
SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)
Time in GMT: (When did it happen?)
Around 8
Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)
Summary: (What happened?)
3 guys had been going round random raiding, they hit my friends house (he had no contra, so they couldn't of heard anything, they didn't know him either).
Mr. Ice
And Rambox
Basically, Mr ice got hostaged and mic spammed with hardstyle music. It went as follows, I remember the song well:
"BOOM BOOM BOOM FUCK YOU BOOM BOOM BOOM" And that was it, for 5 minutes straight. Heres how it went:

We set up a trap for them, and hostaged Ice and Danny.
[Image: Ice1.png]
[Image: ice2.png]

We were going to have a chat with him, and teach him a lesson. Then, he decided to mic spam.
[Image: ice3.png]

So, I decided meh, if he wants to fail, I will continue anyway and tried to mute him. It didn't work.
[Image: ice4.png]

Then, some police commander comes and calls for backup when he sees our guns glitch through the wall. Now I don't know if he /request and called the police, but its a bit odd how he just appeared and knocked on our door. Then SS begin to raid.
[Image: ice5.png]

We killed Mr Ice as we couldn't take any more spam, it was stupid however he continued to do it whilst dead.
[Image: ice6.png]

Then MAGICALLY Rainbox appears. How did he know where we were huh? Why did he go rambo? Did he know his friends were there? Yes, because they meta'd and pm'd him.
[Image: ice7.png]

And then they just started ooc spamming us.
[Image: ice8.png]
[Image: ice9.png]
[Image: ice10.png]
I were around for the whole thing, but the thing that annoyed me most was when Mr Ice were mic spamming after we took him as a hostage. He kept spamming until we decided to kill him. God, that were lovely. Both guys should be banned, for MetaGaming and MicSpamming.


(I'm Torbjæærn)
I was there and can say that Mr.Ice acted stupidly. He was FailRPing the entire time of his hostage. The Mic spam was also odd because muting him had no effect; I could still hear the music. There is also the question of metagaming which Jacob points out, two cases in my opinion. One was a request from one of the two, I suspected Ice at first and he has shown me nothing to prove otherwise. There is also the matter of Rambox showing up; now he was part of their random raiding trio and so for him to turn up, with a gun, intending to save them is very suspicious indeed. How did he discover their whereabouts? I suspect through a private message.

Yes i can personally vouch for this ban request, it was my house they raided about 3 times, i didnt have any contra in the house because i just knew it was gonna get raided. the first 2 times i didnt see who raided me, at the third time i moved to my house in the apartments and i just saw dannyboy and rambox coming out of my house, being afraid i might get shot for something that stupid as random raiding my house i pretended that it wasnt my house and i moved away, then me and my friends adman, muffinman and birdie came to help me and we thought of a trap. and the rest is in the ban request itself. i would really like to have banned because even when i had a gun pointed at him when he was tied up to let him stop mic spamming, he didnt listen so we listened to that shitty music for about 5 minutes and then we decided to shoot him, hoping he'd respawn and not stay dead and continue with the music spam, he did so i told him respawn or stay dead without playing music, he didnt respawn but he kept playing music. so then rambox managed to get in the apartments when it had been locked down by the cops and he proceded shooting us with an ak while the cops were about 5 meters away. and that is about what happened
Image removed, Clan closed. - beflok
Hahahaha, I had expected a lesser crying story, but with lesser lies.

1. I did not contact the police or Rambox. See the logs.

2. You guys OOC spammed for a long time and I told you guys multiple times: stop the crying, place the ban request. See the logs.

3. We told you we didn't raided your friends appartment after you hostaged me for no reason. Why did you guys think we raided the house? There were 3 other unemployed guys in the appartments. Your friend "Marsh" must know them, because he had a shootout with them in the appartments 10 minutes before you lured me in your friends trap. "Come to the appartments. I have an appartment with contra that we can raid". After some talking I came as a unemployed, unarmed, with Dannyboy to see if he was luring us. Well, we were lured in a pathetic trap.

4. I did respawn when I was shot to dead and didn't stay for some time to micspamming.

5. We didn't raid "The Marsh Prince" his place for 3 times. Don't know where he tought he saw us, but I think he ment the other 3 unemployed guys .

After being hostaged for no valid reason and have multiple conversations with them telling them that I didn't raid the guys place they still decided to keep me hostage. I can't find the rule for micspamming anywhere btw and don't know why you accuse me for doing that. Don't know if it is my mistake, but could someone post the rule for this then or tell me wrong?

I got random hostaged and told them multiple times that we didn't raided the place. He lured me and Dannyboy in a trap and when his whole plan went wrong, he decided to spam the OOC with his friends and place this pathetic ban request.

This is my story. I don't go in discussion with these childish men and let the admin decide.
"Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain." Sima Qian
1. SO he just appeared with a gun? Normal.
2. We responded to you but stopped and you kept going.
3. You did raid,fact. I think you actually hit that apartment 3 times.
4. You stayed for 40 secounds with mic on.
5. 3).
You didn't get random hostaged, you didn't deny raiding either. Infact, we watched you raid, so lieing is a bit stupid. However, if it was random then it class as backseat admin by spamming.

12. If you see someone breaking the rules, try to warn them. Do not take the situation into your own hands.

17. Fear RP applies under gunpoint. You can't attack a person who has a gun pointed at you, you must roleplay being afraid of the gun as your character only has one (1) life.

We had a gun, you refused to stop the spam, and now you admit the spam, an admin can easily take the decision of banning you for such fail rp. Smile

So to sum up, you admit mic spamming and not stopping which broke fear RP and was fail rp since you was tied, how could you switch on a musical device.
I owned a room in the appartments. I was there and The Marsh Prince or one of his friend pmed me and told me that they hostaged my friends (check the logs). When I was in my base, they started to shoot at me (I was unarmed). That is when I decided to ask two SS (who were already in the appartments) for help and help my friends.
Regardless of who did what and who metagamed who, Mr. Ice still mic spammed whilst under gunpoint, thus breaking both FearRP and FailRP. There is no proof of the metagaming, although I highly suspect you did, but the proof of your Fail/FearRP breaking is right there to see.
Exactly. Like I said in OP, its a bit odd how you just turned up..

But the main ban is for fail rp and fear rp, if mr ice can't be hostaged without mic spamming hardstyle which goes "boom boom boom f you" on repeat then he shouldn't come on the server.
[17:30:12] Mr. Ice (STEAM_0:0:43653405) said: /y Ey homo

Logs show him saying that. I checked them thoroughly and he didn't call the cops and your evidence is not sufficient.

Mr.Ice banned for a week for hate-language.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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