Hello Everybody!
Hello Guys! My names Pavilion and I recently stumbled across your amazing community and server. I decided that I'm deffinatly going to stick around. So if I'm going to join the server I might as well make a forum also! I'm 15 years old and going on 16 very soon, I enjoy many games from Garry'sMod to Fifa, and I'm from the UK! I've been looking around the forum and noticed a skiing thread which I can't wait to post on! I've been skiing or a few years now and it's an amazing sport I have to admit!

I can't wait to Role Play with you all and have some great fun! See you all around the forum and the server.
The following 1 user Likes Pavilion's post:
  • GRiiM
Hello Pavilion,

Welcome to the Fearless community! I am glad you have enjoyed your stay so far and I hope the best for you here Smile
Hello and welcome to FL, Pavilion!

(Flux Pavilion, lol)
The following 1 user Likes Flux's post:
  • Decay
Hello. And welcome to the forums :>
[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]
fulx pavlon pls

The following 1 user Likes Blonde's post:
  • Flux
Welcome to the server and forums!

Good to hear you're enjoying it so far and I hope you become a regular player. Smile
(07-16-2012, 01:33 PM)GRiiM Wrote: Welcome to the server and forums!

Good to hear you're enjoying it so far and I hope you become a regular player. Smile

I assure you, you'll be seeing me around here a lot. Cheese

It's an amazing community, friendly players & admins!

Also thanks for the warm welcoming!
Welcome Smile

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