Random Ban
Your name: Chris

Your ban ID: 12414

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Server: v2d

Involved: Me

Why we should unban you: I have a fresh installation of windows then installed PHX model pack and Gmod 13 Beta. There is no way that i could have had any "hacks" on my PC. Also he said the "Hack" was called lua.revision to my friend, and i googled it. There is no such hack as he claims. So it was a random Ban. I was just there fishing as i suddenly get kicked and when i rejoined he banned me. And also apparently he accessed my PC and deleted the hack, as far as i know that's illegal.
Lying to us on your unban request isn't a good idea. Also, the ban you got right now was for 2 weeks and this is simply a warning. If we ever catch you with a hack again, it will be a permanent ban from the entire network with no chance of appeal.
I swear i am not lieng! I actually have a fresh install of windows 7 and only JUST installed it! I Can't have any hacks at all! The only thing i can think of would be that steam might have synced a hack that i cant remember, but i doubt steam would save custom files as it would be to large if it did this for everybody. If you really want your proof come on TeamViewer or any remote programm and check for youreself. Its Fresh!
You have called a cheat command 8 times.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:15472195&b=9]
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(07-15-2012, 01:40 PM)Soul Wrote: You have called a cheat command 8 times.

Can you please post a screenshot or anything like that? Because i don't believe this sorry, for all i know i have no hacks. So please can i see?

And another thing,
if i join again is this "hack" deleted now as he stated, and am i safe to join? Or will i just get another ban?
For security reasons to avoid any abuse of our anti-cheat systems, we will not disclose any details to the general public - however they are visible for the entire Staff to see, so that's 19 people who can confirm it. Also, as I previously said - the two week ban is a warning. If you ever use cheats or hacks on our network again, then it will be a permanent one.
At no point have we said we delete the hack
We do not alter users files in anyway
Well i guess ill bite the bullet, but honestly i do not know about any hacks so what can i now do to remove it?
Maybe it's just an OLD bind i have on my keyboard?

I just did a test on single player with a console hitting every key then checking the console. My apologies, yes steam has synced the BINDS yet i do not have any cheats in my game and it just comes up as "unknown command" I guess that's what you guys have seen poping up in your console. Ill reset my keys now.
(07-17-2012, 12:50 PM)Zzzzap Wrote: Bullshit.

That is a very professional and kind response, thank you. Im glad you treat your members with respect and show a little trust, Zzzzap.

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