Unban REquest - budy
I said what a good admin would do as an example, whether you do that or not is your own problem

we're getting off topic here. I'd like to get reactions, thoughts or opinions from anyone please. Admins, any member of the community.
Only the involved can post here.

Nobody else from the community.

Only admins/the involved.

Allow me to also quote a rule here.

Rule #16 under Vehicle Rules

16. Don't steal peoples cars randomly/Bad RP reason (ex: Stealing to sell back to owner is not a reason)

Your reason for stealing a car..


"we decided to steal a car so that we could transport ourselves around the city and use it for raids, the normal motives for stealing a car."

Your stealing cars to transport people and RAID.

Number one. Raiding isnt RP so your "RP reason" As to why you stole it is complete bullshit as raiding is just gunning people down for their stuff. Not RP.

Number two. If you want to transport your friends/Other corleones around use YOUR own car. Stealing a car for "Transportation" Is FailRP.

You have enough money for a silly car you can use yourself.
[Image: IMG]

Beflok is my idol

Alright Ladies...

My Summary:
Listen, I was in Dzanin (dk)'s Gunshop talking about stuff, arrested one of your fellow Corleones aswell as I was buying some ammo.

This Corleone which got banned for Breaking FearRP attempted to flee, I followed him outside and saw you crouching behind the Black and White banshee, as I was about to Taze you, you finish lockpicking the car, this is the point where I pull out my USP and as I got hurt by the car I assumed you were trying to run me over so I shot 1 single shot at you whilst I was screaming, I quote "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CARRRR!" but you continued like the not-giving-a-shi- badass you are. After that I ignored you driving away and followed the other corleone, like I said, he was breaking FearRP until he reached Metro Cafe I trapped him in there(Blocking the door with my character) while waiting for a warrant, before the president managed to get the warrant coffee banned him for breaking FearRP.

After this Dzanin ran to me and yelled, I quote - "Eq kan jeg laane din bil?" Which means "Eq can I borrow your car?" after he said that coffee came and asked me about the car theft, I explained to him this and that about how you broke FearRP and Just drove away, and then he told me that he actually was there and saw it all, he just wanted to clear it out with us before doing the actual ban. After that he told us about how you made an abuse thread on him for banning you for stealing a car for a illegitimate reason.

I hope this helped sorting out the REAL story behind this.



(07-10-2012, 04:44 PM)Budycruft Wrote: if my reason for stealing a car wasn't legit, what do YOU think a more legit reason is?

A legit reason, lets see..

He stole your car ealier, now you want revenge.

He killed your friend, now you want money for the funeral so you steal his car and afterwards want to sell it back to him. (for $2000 or under)

Something in that range would be a pretty good reason in my opinion.

(07-10-2012, 05:10 PM)Budycruft Wrote: any member of the community.

Also, you do realize that only people who are directly involved with this case is allowed to post here. Just sayin'
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
Actually i'll think you'll finding raiding is very much part of RP life on the server, when executed correctly they are legit and part of the RP. I didnt run around gunning anyone and we were planning organised crime, very much RP.

But please do go on, name a better use of stealing a car in an RP situation?
Ehm, Dzanins car and your FearRP breaking random car stealing shi- hasnt to do with any organized crimes or any bullshi- like that.

How are anyone supposed to believe you, that you didnt just steal the car randomly.

(07-10-2012, 03:31 PM)Budycruft Wrote: I was a member of the corleones, we decided to steal a car so that we could transport ourselves around the city and use it for raids

Sounds random to me, since you had no legitimate RP reason to steal HIS car, since you never meet him before.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
Sorry didn't see your message Equalizer, lets clear this up

1. As you may notice i was facing away from you, i was facing the car and instantly got in it after picking it, so if you had a gun etc pointing at me, i couldnt see it. You must be infront of me in my vision to call out the fearRP, how am i supposed to know what's behind me? FearRP not broken.

2. Either - You didnt say to get out of the car, or (the more likely option) i was out of range by the time you said it. I would paste my chat history but i closed gmod a while ago, (if you know how i can retrieve my chat log from earlier then i'd be more than happy to paste it here)

3. I don't believe i hit you with the car, if i did it wasn't intentional - not CarDM

However all of this is irrelevant if you consider that my ban was for not having a proper reason for stealing a car (his car was the only one up to the task of a quick getaway, stealing a trabant would make little RP sense)

Whilst your reasons are also legitimate, so was mine. Mine was perfectly within the rules, so the reason i was banned was false and should be void.

You can ask anyone that knows me on the server, i roleplay just fine, people just dont like it when that roleplay has negative concequences for themselves.
(07-10-2012, 06:04 PM)Budycruft Wrote: Sorry didn't see your message Equalizer, lets clear this up

1. As you may notice i was facing away from you, i was facing the car and instantly got in it after picking it, so if you had a gun etc pointing at me, i couldnt see it. You must be infront of me in my vision to call out the fearRP, how am i supposed to know what's behind me? FearRP not broken.

I was screaming, GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR which if you werent the badass you are you would have looked around.

2. Either - You didnt say to get out of the car, or (the more likely option) i was out of range by the time you said it. I would paste my chat history but i closed gmod a while ago, (if you know how i can retrieve my chat log from earlier then i'd be more than happy to paste it here)

I used my microphone since It was impossible to manage to type before you would have left.

3. I don't believe i hit you with the car, if i did it wasn't intentional - not CarDM

I never said anything about CDM, I said I got damaged by your car therefor I fired a single bullet, but you continued.

However all of this is irrelevant if you consider that my ban was for not having a proper reason for stealing a car (his car was the only one up to the task of a quick getaway, stealing a trabant would make little RP sense)

What you did, made no "RP Sence" since you never interacted/meet him beforehand.

Whilst your reasons are also legitimate, so was mine. Mine was perfectly within the rules, so the reason i was banned was false and should be void.

If it was a legitimate reason Coffee woulndt have banned you, he asked everyone around to make sure not to get another Abuse Thread from your side, which confirmed you randomly stole it. Its not allowed to steal a car because you need something to drive in, deal with it.

You can ask anyone that knows me on the server, i roleplay just fine, people just dont like it when that roleplay has negative concequences for themselves.

I dont care.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
Seems your quote reflects largely your attitude "I dont care."

i could reply to all of your points, but lets stick to the relevant ones

"What you did, made no "RP Sence" since you never interacted/meet him beforehand. "

-Since when do you have to interact with somebody before you steal your car. In real life you don't knock on someones door and get to know them before you jack their ride, do you? I Kept RP realistic and there was nothing wrong with doing so, i've had my car stolen plenty of times without "knowing the person"

And the second point:
"If it was a legitimate reason Coffee woulndt have banned you, he asked everyone around to make sure not to get another Abuse Thread from your side, which confirmed you randomly stole it. Its not allowed to steal a car because you need something to drive in, deal with it."
-It was a legitimate reason, that is why i am appealing the ban. Fair enough Coffee is human and makes mistakes/doesnt get the full story, but that is why the forums have this section, so mistakes can be rectified.
-I havnt made an abuse thread this time as he didnt abuse his admin powers. If you read the thread it was about him removing a car, not appealing my ban
-Again maybe you missed it, but i didnt steal it to "have something to drive around in" - we planned an OC with a stolen vehicle. Completely legitimate RP.

-on a side note, the "deal with it." Please don't try and be cool, i'm trying to talk to you civilly here.
Your reason was not valid according to the server rules, thats all I'm trying to say.

Atleast how I understood the server rules.

Anyways, I'm not even gonna argue with this about you, all I did was stating my summary of this case, the rest is up to the admins.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
Fair enough but as i see it, i'm within the rules

The ban states i had no motive and it was random car theft

However i just explained it wasnt random, and the entire corleone faction had motives for it, i was just the one that got my hands dirty

So the reason for the ban is untrue, can i be unbanned now please? I just want to play on the server.
If it makes you happy i will completely refrain from stealing cars, no matter what the motive.

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