Unban REquest - budy
Your name: budy

Your ban ID: 12214

Banned by: WorldwideCoffee

Server: v2d

Involved: A gun dealer who's name i can't remember, a few corleones, worldwidecoffee

Why we should unban you:
I was a member of the corleones, we decided to steal a car so that we could transport ourselves around the city and use it for raids, the normal motives for stealing a car. Moments after stealing it i was banned for 5 days? Apparantly i was warned with a kick, but i wasn't, check the logs. (about 16:20 on the 10th of July) No warning at all was given, and i dont even think stealing a car is a bannable offence, its part of the roleplay? hence why you have lockpicks?
Even if it was an offence, why 5 days for that? this is way over the top, it may be influenced by me reporting worldwidecoffee for admin abuse a while ago so he could be mad -.-

I have done nothing wrong, stealing a car as a corleone is a completely legit thing to do. If there was a problem the admin could have spoken to me and told me what i was doing wrong, but he didnt say anything, just straight up banned me for 5days. This admin needs to communicate more and ask for an explanation if he thinks wrong has been done.
Actually, The reason why the ban is so high is because of our past.

But not of my feelings towards you.

Because i did, once again proved that you had a bogus reason to steal it.

Stealing a car to run around and raid is absolute bullshit.

And i do believe Equalizer had a gun on the car and you didnt stop?

I dont need to communicate to you at all if you've done this before.

Which you have if you'd like to pull up your last ban.

Id like another admin to voice their opinion on his car stealing reason also.
[Image: IMG]

Beflok is my idol

if my reason for stealing a car wasn't legit, what do YOU think a more legit reason is? And no i didnt have a gun pulled on me, he didn't even see me take it. Why is stealing a car to use in raids bullshit? I'd say that was pretty good rp, seeing as in real life they use stolen cars to rob and raid places. So is that really outside of rp?

Also that's where your wrong. A GOOD admin would ask the people involved what happened, get the full details of what happened. If you had of done this, you wouldnt "believe i had a gun on me" you would KNOW that i didnt.
Do you want this ban longer for saying im a bad admin in that last sentence?

Once again, stop the smartass remarks.

Your "Warning"

Or speaking to in your terms..

Is reading the rules.

I dont need to baby you and tell you what not to do TWICE.

Also, I can recall Equalizer DID shoot the car you were stealing because you stole it and were starting to drive on sidewalks.
[Image: IMG]

Beflok is my idol

Once again you're making assumptions, we've been here before. I told you what a good admin would do, i didn't say you were bad.

If you don't mind i'd like another admin to read and reply to this, you obviously won't want to unban me as that would mean admitting you were wrong, so if you don't mind i'd like another admin to talk to Smile
Nobody else can unban you due to this being MY ban.

They can throw a opinion in to sway my actions sure.

But they cant manually do it themseleves without my approval.
[Image: IMG]

Beflok is my idol

well i'd like their opinions, and i'm pretty sure soul could probably do it.
(07-10-2012, 04:53 PM)Budycruft Wrote: Once again you're making assumptions, we've been here before. I told you what a good admin would do, i didn't say you were bad.

You've got to be kidding me.

Your saying this.

"Im telling you what a good admin would do by explaining the things your doing as a bad admin"

Your telling me im a bad admin in a indirect way.
[Image: IMG]

Beflok is my idol

Dude chill out, i said what a good admin would do, i didnt make any reference to you at all, stop being so paranoid.
What are you talking about?

Your referring to my actions in all of your posts above.

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Beflok is my idol

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