Unban Request
Your name: Bradley

Your ban ID: 12048

Banned by: Ruxandra

Server: v33x

Involved: bigtoe

Why we should unban you: 7 days for spray painting a wall? really? the rules say nothing about that, and i have read them from a-z, why dont you just ban the paint tool if you dont want people to spray paint?
I have no issue with spray paining as long as it's not something offensive.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
im sorry did i miss something? how were smiley faces offensive?
I won't go into details about what it was. You might have a chance to get your ban lowered if you start with an apology.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Okay well, im sorry for spray painting the walls in that tunnel, i now know that its not allowed, a warning would of been enough to stop me from doing it though
Is my appeal being looked into?
Maybe it's time for you to realize what general fail RP actually is.
We cant rule down every single thing, unless you want a 50+ page long rule list.
Well, where i live, you do find that in real life, so i see this as good RP, spray paint is under every tunnel in the UK, so its not fail RP
The reason you were banned here was the offensive content of your images, as Ruxandra stated.
What offensive image did i post?

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