RDM - Mitch, SoepLepel
Name of player: Mitch, SoepLepel

SteamID: Too much players called Mitch. But he have 185 hours played.
Mitch STEAM_0:0:28493514
Mitch STEAM_0:0:25157766
Mitch STEAM_0:0:33545035
Mitch STEAM_0:1:42558765
SoepLepel STEAM_0:0:13359385
Mushroom STEAM_0:1:48349026

Time in GMT: 10:48

Server: v2d

Summary: RDMing, random raiding two presidents!

Evidence: I was president, normal boring game, sitting at the office. Them some guys went. I just saw these of them. When I was dead my friend get mine job, and he was raided again. I think Mushroom was there because he had a stupid reason look at ss. When Other president was killed he get his job. There are ss: Click
I have some video's uploadable, on those vid's they a swearing with some really bad words against a SS officer!
i dont have fraps but all i can say is that mitch and soeplepel are such guys who rdm and random raiding for no reason multiple times
I raided the president once because he didnt broadcasted his rules and he also banned me from the city.
He was just earning alot of money from the taxes. We even asked for rules.
User Mitch (STEAM_0:0:28493514) banned for Raiding the President as a Gundealer.

Ban request accepted.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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