Please unban me? It was my first day
Dear Fearlessrp community,

some people kept attacking (raiding) my house for the entire time for no reason. That was my very first day on the server (you can log in the logs if you dont believe me) and I also got garrys mod yesterday, and i only bought it because of this server because my friends told me how much fun it is. I didnt break the rules or did anything wrong, but they kept shooting. I called police officers multiple times but no one wanted to help me, so the only way i saw was to help myself was to get my friend and held them as hostages. I didnt even wanted to kill them and they also insulted me several times... So my ban for 2 weeks is very unfair from my point of view. So could you please unban me? I really want to play with my friends again now that my summer vacation starts... It really wasnt my intention to get banned on my first day and i really have learned my lesson..

sir luca. (serious.milf)

Ban id: 11856
banned by: [FL] Zzzzap
Server: v33x
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
User warned for posting in the courthouse section without the sufficient rights.

- Zzzzap
You have 24 hours to use the template, or your unban request will be closed and denied.
Your name: sir luca. (serious.milf)

Your ban ID: 11856

Banned by: [FL] Zzzzap

Server: v33x

Involved: kevin

Why we should unban you:

Dear Fearlessrp community,

some people kept attacking (raiding) my house for the entire time for no reason. That was my very first day on the server (you can log in the logs if you dont believe me) and I also got garrys mod yesterday, and i only bought it because of this server because my friends told me how much fun it is. I didnt break the rules or did anything wrong, but they kept shooting. I called police officers multiple times but no one wanted to help me, so the only way i saw was to help myself was to get my friend and held them as hostages. I didnt even wanted to kill them and they also insulted me several times... So my ban for 2 weeks is very unfair from my point of view. So could you please unban me? I really want to play with my friends again now that my summer vacation starts... It really wasnt my intention to get banned on my first day and i really have learned my lesson..

sir luca. (serious.milf)
The whole rebelspawn were completely spammed with your props, they were everywhere.
I got several reports of your prop abusing and propkilling. So I TP'd to you where I see, what I said above.

I decided to grab you with my physgun, and you ran away straight after, I did it again and you still ran away.
So I ended up freezing you and was about to confront you, when you kept asking me if I wanted money? I don't know if you wanted to bribe me or not, but I decided to not get into that.

If you promise me you will read the rules and our roleplay guide, I might lower your ban to 4 days, how does that sound?
Thanks for you reply and i dont want to discuss with you because i wont win anyway i just wanted to say that 2 poeple hunted me with weapons so i needed to hide there.. ofc i will read the rules and rp again! if i dont get an instant unban 4 days seem fine to me thx so far

Unban request approved

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