Ban request on Basse
Name of player: [FL:RP] Basse

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:4088399

Time in GMT: 01:45-02:00 AM

Server: v2d

Summary: This all started with me and Lars having built a home next to Giga computers. All of the sudden, Aliance225 enters our home while cuffed and he refuses to leave, even though we are three guys telling him to leave, also started beating him since he refused. (It pissed us off). Furthermore, Basse arrives at the scene in peace and as you might see in Aliance's ban request on Lars, he(Lars) actually tells Basse this: "He doesn't wanna leave." What happens next .. well, watch the vid. Also, even the SS tells him to move, and whn he finally does, he still doesn't leave even though he has a opportunity for it. One more thing: It is ridicolous to crowbar us like that, with an SS located in our home as well, especially since we stopped hitting him, trying to make him understand.

Ah yes, finally it came..
I was going to visit my good friend at the apartments, untill I saw you two punks, Lars and Vegas, punching my friend to the death infront of my eyes. The SS didn't give a damn about it. The guy on the ground is my friend, Aliance.
He was cuffed and you two idiots punched him to death so you wanted me to stand there and watch that? I avenged his death so call it RDM if you want, but ive even seen admins killing cops just for arresting someone, not gonna mention any names though.
I had reasons to kill you both, punching my harmless friend while he were cuffed.

"nd whn he finally does, he still doesn't leave even though " Ofcourse he can't leave when you keep K.O'ing him, which makes him fall to the ground all the time, you could've point a gun at him and tell him to leave instead of like : Hey leave, or your gonna taste my knuckles buddy"
I grab the nearest weapon and starts mashing your head with my crowbar, and then escorts my friend out of that base.
First of all, we weren't in apartments.(MY BAD, misread) Second, you weren't there from the start so you wouldn't know what I said from the beginning unless you metagamed. Third, he did not die, but he refused to leave which is completely dumb, especially with a SS at the scene. Also, you arrived here as Aliance lay on the ground, you did not witness any of us hitting him. To correct your RP as you did with mine, you could have said asked what was going on, why we did it, that we could agree on something, or you could just get the bloody hell outta there cause none of you had naything to do in there.
Edit: "Ofcourse he can't leave when you keep K.O'ing him", AS you see on the vid, he has plenty of time to leave.
You're claiming that I didn't witness you two minges hitting my friend?
See that unemployed guy over there? Yeah, that's me. And no, I did not metagame, I was walking by and I saw it.
And I never said he died? I escorted him out of your dirt hole and called the paramedic, I called the SS, but his lack of intelligence as a SS didn't notice the dying man on the ground, so I had to solve the problems with my own hands.
Why would someone watch their friends die, getting beaten up, without doing anything? Stop claiming this as RDM.
I had nothing to do in there? LOL you little ...
I stated, what bad friend wanna watch their friend dying by getting beaten up? You sir, must be the best friend a man can get!
(06-21-2012, 12:55 PM)Basse605 Wrote: You're claiming that I didn't witness you two minges hitting my friend?
See that unemployed guy over there? Yeah, that's me. And no, I did not metagame, I was walking by and I saw it.
And I never said he died? I escorted him out of your dirt hole and called the paramedic, I called the SS, but his lack of intelligence as a SS didn't notice the dying man on the ground, so I had to put solve the problems with my own hands.
Why would someone watch their friends die, getting beaten up, without doing anything? Stop claiming this as RDM.
I had nothing to do in there? LOL you little ...
I stated, what bad friend wanna watch their friend dying by getting beaten up? You sir, must be the best friend a man can get!

There are no names, so we cannot know for sure if it is you or not. Say three macho guys were to beat up a dude cause he didnt wanna leave your home. Well, you cannot drag people on Gmod, and as you said that SS did not help at all. But still, when three guys are punching your friend, you call the police or you try to talk to us. You don't pull up a bloody crowbar and try to kill all three of us, no matter how good of a friend you are. What I'm trying to say here is that you don't enter a home and refuse to leave in the first place, and still don't listen when getting beat up. You did not RP or say anything to help out the situation what so ever. As I've said earlier, I was just simply trying to get you people out of my bloody home, and it is such a huge fail when you actually refuse to. (Mingestyle) I could watch that video forever, cause how you performed those kills is priceless. I've said what I think, so have you. I think everyone has a pretty good picture of the whole situation, from both your point of view, as well as mine. Now it's up to an admin.
The crowbar wasn't really bloody, untill I killed you.
Why are you using "bloody" all the time? I killed two of you, the ones who were accomplice in the beating of my friend, Lars and Vegas, I don't know where you get that third person from. I was afraid, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't try to talk with you while my friend were dying in there. How I performed those kills, were NO 1, stop whining about it.
You left the door open while beating him, I walked by and saw you, called the cop but he didn't do anything about the case, so I actually did RP nor you, who did more aggressive RP by beating a guy to the death. Why didn't you just pull a gun at him and tell him to leave instead?
He might have walked inside your so called "Home" but I prefer calling it a base. So you just started to punch him to death ? The guy were a criminal, as he were cuffed. Why didn't you call the cops?
I'm done.
What I see here is extremely bad RP from everyone in the video.

It's actually quite disappointing to see some of our better members act like this in such situations. However the rulebreak is not on Basse's side, since his actions are actually valid enough IF Aliance225 wasn't FailRP'ing and not obeying FearRP.

So, to sum up. Basse goes free but Aliance225 is now banned for FailRP and FearRP.

Case closed.

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