[DENIED] Unblack list me form fireman plz!
Name: Orgxer/Cobra/Ogvenom (im 1 of those 3, i change names often)

Steam id:

Blacklisted job/s: Fireman

Admin who blacklisted you: dont know, sorry

Reason why unblacklist: i was called to a fire, but there were 2 fires, as i was about to go to UM to put 1 fire out a get blacklisted, then admin mutes me and says I don't want to hear your crap. 6 months later (always forgetting to do this lol) im writing this...

PS: i dont know how to view my steam ID, so i will reply to this when i know how,
He does deserve to be unblacklisted, it was bout 6 months ago and he was banned for not putting out a fire and using the axe to break down a door. My guess is that the admin didnt want the fire put out in that 1 house
Im to busy to deal with this atm, but,
xerox stop posting on all the courthouse threads.
Unless you are needed to.
6 months? You should of posted within a week of a blacklist. Still you have not said anything about what will happen after a unblacklist
(12-06-2010, 07:40 AM)Fallen Wrote: 6 months? You should of posted within a week of a blacklist. Still you have not said anything about what will happen after a unblacklist

only reasons is, i forgot after my first incorrect post (didnt use template) and after black list i kinda TRIED to speak but.. .muted, later (as in like a week) you came on and i said can i be un blacklisted you sed to go here, i knida forgot... then the day i posted this i asked another admin then he reminded me and sed go on this so i did =)
(12-06-2010, 08:13 PM)Orgxer Wrote:
(12-06-2010, 07:40 AM)Fallen Wrote: 6 months? You should of posted within a week of a blacklist. Still you have not said anything about what will happen after a unblacklist

only reasons is, i forgot after my first incorrect post (didnt use template) and after black list i kinda TRIED to speak but.. .muted, later (as in like a week) you came on and i said can i be un blacklisted you sed to go here, i knida forgot... then the day i posted this i asked another admin then he reminded me and sed go on this so i did =)

OH AFTER UNBLACKLIST! i thought you sed after BLACKLIST, well if sumin like that happens again i will say "look theres 2 fires, i go to 1 and then come to that 1", thats what i should have done but it was never sed so.... *BEEEEP noise* "your blacklisted from fireman".. then he mutes me....(or she.)
(12-05-2010, 05:47 PM)Xerox Wrote: He does deserve to be unblacklisted, it was bout 6 months ago and he was banned for not putting out a fire and using the axe to break down a door. My guess is that the admin didnt want the fire put out in that 1 house

i used axe CORRECTLY, door was locked, no awnser, fire in house, i axed it open.
ok i found out my STEAM ID (ty to KILLJOY) its: STEAM_0:1:4863871

PS: any 1 else readin this, you found steam ID at http://steamidfinder.com (i REALLY needed some 1 to note that...)
Boom Headshot!.........Angel
I'm gonna deny this. As I had to ban you again today for FailRPing. And that was as Rebel. You're clearly not ready for Government jobs.


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