Watch Dogs
So.. A NEW IP from Ubisoft, and it looks freaking amazing. I suck with BB-coding so I shall just put a link
Looks really good and i like the new graphics Cheese
The graphics are great, but what gets me is the style the story is going for. I love me some semi-scifi stories, not too far in the future, and something that looks like it could happen in our time, such as Deus Ex and Gattaca, for those that havent seen the Watch Dogs teaser, they totally should, it looks stunning!
I also love the main character's look. Damn that coat and ballcap is fine.
i seen it when i was watching some other trailers i was stunned.
"The object of war is not to die for your country.. But to make the other ... die for his."

[Image: dumpq.png]
#5 ;-;

EDIT: Didn't see yours was up first.
Looks pretty cool.
Meh looks ok but nothing special.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

I really want to know why everyone is so excited about it
I am a big fan of Ubisoft, but two impressive things that I saw about it
Great graphics and the fact that the main character is a hacker
They haven't showed much enough though to like this game yet
We need more info about it
(06-21-2012, 07:21 AM)Donut1052 Wrote: I really want to know why everyone is so excited about it
I am a big fan of Ubisoft, but two impressive things that I saw about it
Great graphics and the fact that the main character is a hacker
They haven't showed much enough though to like this game yet
We need more info about it

The beautiful open world.
The beautiful graphics.
The very, very interesting story of technology, and what happens when we become too dependent on it, and how that dependence can be misused.
Interesting gameplay, different from your typical open-world crime game.
An interesting new IP, and new IPs are always interesting.
Interesting sort of multiplayer, which allows you to hack other player's games and hinder them for your own gains.

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