Ban req on Bopper
Name of player: Bopper

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:40455721

Time in GMT: 04:05 Paris time

Server: v33x

Summary: Well v2d crashed so i went onto v33x. first thing i see is a guy running around killing people with a bathtub and a dumbpster.. First thing i did was to enable fraps and get the name of the guy. When I retruned from uploading my video on you tube i saw him as police officer running around RDMing EVRYONE in the end he had over 70 kills.

I din't manage to get a video of him RDMing but i think the score board tells the story.

[be free to add evidence]

[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]
You just announced that its up so.. He just spammed props everywhere and trapped me in a box. Here's some evidence.


He think its funny to kill 70 something people
He is a mingebag, he is spawn a "jail" of props and bug my car. Need a perm.

Almost at 100 Kills
Definitely did all of this. Prop killed, prop blocked, RDM, putting hover-balls on cars and launching them up. Should get a Perm ban in my opinion. Worst Minge I've ever seen in my life.
Can somebody please, remove these, cutleries, from my knees.

Talking about how he has a few more steam ID's up his sleave. Ip ban pl0x
i have evidence too thats is lots of evidence
The minge are banned now?
Ban request approved.
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