Unban Request Hinderlijk Persoon
Your name: Hinderlijk persoon

Your ban ID: 9944

Banned by: No idea, it says "Console"

Server: rp_evocity_v33x

Involved:: a random Special Service, an Police Officer, And me and the Admin.

Why we should unban you: The reason says im banned for propushing, but someone placed his car and we got stuck then someone spawned a prop "not me" to get us out i think and then we all died cause of he pushed to hard with the prop. I think it's not fair to ban me because of someone else that pushed the car, so i hope i will get unbanned or atleast an lower ban time.

Here's my steam ID if it's needed: (STEAM_0:0:24750459)

Greetings Hinderlijk Persoon.
There were a bunch of people in the nexus proppushing a car that was inside it and it started killing everyone that was in the lobby. Then I saw you propush a car that was stuck in the nexus wall and ended up killing the people trying to help the guy that got stuck.

I also got lots of reports of you proppushing and such.

When I got on it was a crazy mess of people doing what they pleased because a admin wasn't on
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
k it is not good what you did but i was in the server to everybody was proppushing and rdming so i think you deserve a unban
Yes, It's the truth what you're telling toast. Everyone was proppushing and CDMing and everything that was against the rules..
(05-18-2012, 08:41 PM)Pinkie Pie Wrote: There were a bunch of people in the nexus proppushing a car that was inside it and it started killing everyone that was in the lobby. Then I saw you propush a car that was stuck in the nexus wall and ended up killing the people trying to help the guy that got stuck.

I also got lots of reports of you proppushing and such.

When I got on it was a crazy mess of people doing what they pleased because a admin wasn't on

Oh... You mean in the Nexus, Yes indeed but if you think i was killing everybody then that isn't the truth because i saw 2 Special Service (donaters) Also push this car and getting in the car driving it while killing players.. So if you think "I" was prop killing, then it isn't true, cause someone asked me to help push it out of the building. And shouldn't it be fair to ban them aswell? because im not the only one who did this..

Also someone walked to me and said Im gonna ban you.. He didn't atleast give me the chance to say something and i got banned..
I didn't withness it, but Pinky's trust weighs more than yours. Unban request denied.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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