What made you Donate?
Was it the Money / Double Salary?
Was it being able to go Secret Service?
Was it the Epic Name you get on the forums?
Or were you just being nice and helping the Community you love?

If you haven't Donated yet, tell us what would make you want to Donate.

Share your Donating Stories here!


Donating gives you all of the following:

Double Salary In-Game (Your boss won't pay you extra IRL, Don't try it)
Access to the Special Service jobs
Lowered Respawn, Wakeup and Arrest times.
Double Spawn Immunity as President Smile (Very useful)
100k money Ingame (Again your boss won't give you 100k)
Ability to Buy and Wear Suits!
A sexy Heart Icon (Heart) when you talk in OOC Cheese

And last but not least!

You will help keep this lovely community and It's server up for longer!
Maybe we'll be able to buy Upgrades!

~ Thank you to all who have donated and all who hope to donate!
Donating will help keep the server online and up longer.
I would have donated if I could... Nervous
That's a lie my good sir.
You can donate!
Well ofc the advanges of it all, but i wanted to also support the serevr i LOVE! Cheese
I did it mainly to support the community.
Keeep it up, thats the reason for my big donate.
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

First reason for me was because I was like "oh gosh epic mod and server" and the advantages were a nice extra thingy.
[Image: mapiha.png]

Hé le jour de gloire est arrivé, enfant de la patrie, kalashnikov chargée toujours de la partie.
To help the server and to be 'secret service' it was named FBI when i donated Smile
And why is it called secret service, i dont get it?D:
Just because F.B.I was getting old Smile

Keep the stories and posts comin'
(11-18-2010, 09:29 PM)[FL:RP]Shark Wrote: That's a lie my good sir.
You can donate!

You're right.. I'm just lazy Tounge And I don't really need to donate Wink
But if the server ever gets a problem with being kept up because of low money, I'll definitely donate Cheese

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