LOLZXD!!1!11!!1 hardest troll ever.
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So we all saw Coal aka Noobias acting hard smoking weed.
We all noticed it.

I took advantage of it..
In my siggy you see Noobias aka Coal Felpz with his weed, being too kool for skool.

If you want to see how I obtained this glorious thing.

Check the chatlog posted right here.:


Chances are I get permed for this...
But let me just say: "It was worth it."

And that kids is why you don't take pictures of your face with drugs on the image.

Credits: All of this would not have been achieved with the kind help of Biowulf himself.
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The following 4 users Like s.J.'s post:
  • Biowulf, WorldWideCoffee, earl, Blonde
Yeah its me.
I... cant even explain it.
Thats meh, he asked me for a pic so I sent it to him.
Thats all I fucking have to say.
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Sure is.
Like my Zippo?
Everyone that wants to use the sig, please do.
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kids these days......
Thug Life all day
THEIF life 4 life.
The following 2 users Like Prune's post:
  • The_Alpha_Dog, Pechvarry
Oh my
The fact that he thinks drugs are cool makes this troll more than okay.

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