Ban Request on Orangutan and snow
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?) Orangutan and snow

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?) STEAM_0:0:16537678

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?) 7:40 EST April 23rd 2012

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?) v33x

Summary: (What happened?) Me and Epic where BMd's and we were farming at are spawn, then later after about 5 - 10 minutes and couple deals later i picked this cop car because it was in the road. then Epic took it to use as a car to get back to the city to deal to IDeko. who needed 5 Fueled Rags. the before he got there. in the 2nd tunnel near BMD spawn the cop tryed to Break NLR after i shot him with the G3 Sniper for inturpting the Deal i made for 5 pots. then he kills Epic while he was driving in the cop car THEN he said " Well i saw my name on the car so it must be mine" then we processed back to are Spawn house which had 10 pots of weed and my full load of Contra, he picked the door and me and epic walked in and saw him destroying my contraband. working his was towards the weed. then after he saw me, he shot me down to about 60hp if i remember. then he tazes us as u can see in the video below. and then i left about 5 - 10 minutes after that to post this. i hate this cop with a dieing passion cause ive seen him before prop climbing. not a fun man to be with on Fearless. + as this was going down as u see in video, Yacino is bascially random raiding us for are Weed + these to people are Friends so when the Cop random raided, he called his " Buddie" over to take the weed or his use.
Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)

Video -

Epic's POV 1 - - See are Contra in the back

Epic's POV 2 - - Still see the contra

Epic's POV 3 -

Epic's POV 4 -

Epic's POV 5 -

Epic's POV 6 -
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[Image: Epics_sig.jpg]
War. War never changes
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
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The only thing that sustains me is my satanic lust for rep
Ok ... You are just an anoying kids . I've never random raid you . it's was on the backup server, so we was not many people.
Moreover the president was AFK. I couldn't got a warrant on you. When i've find you door open obvouisly i'm going inside to check the situation, suddenly i found your contra immediatly you have run in your house cause you saw me enter in your house. You have begin to cry. i had immediately understood you are the men who make this contra. So i taze you because i don't trust on you. Just after i have ask a warrant but the president was afk. So i've destroy your contra like a real cops and you have disconnect and you have written a banrequest on me ...
Epicface And Darkninja again ....

you two you do shit all day when your on the server and you gonna cry when a cop do his job. poor child

Oragoutan did his job he taze you and ask for warrant but your mad about it and the door was open ! i was outside

so stop cry about that and gg for fail lockpicking a car. when car is on the road you cant lockpick it just to travel. you two are just failBMD

""i hate this cop with a dieing passion cause ive seen him before prop climbing. not a fun man to be with on Fearless.""
Where the fuck did you saw him prop climbing explain to me i was with him. stop say shity thing to get him banned.
u think im a false reporter?!?! now. me and him were out on a deal and find his car outside, and then though. " o god not him angin " and hes INSIDE no warrants destroying the contraband, and ive see him prop climb before, yes i know i got nothing of it but at the time he was i never had the F12 key setup. i have Griim and other saying this man would not be playing on the Fearless Servers, hes a total midge. + HE NEVER DID HIS JOB RIGHT. he picked are door WITHOUT WARRANTS! i dont care if the presidents afk, if the presidnets taking a Dump, u go and do it without permission?!?! ya i got ya there didn't i ?! now if u want even MORE evidence here Griim's Video and Forum Topic...
If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.
i have admit my error and present my apologies to GRiiM and say me what is the relation between your topic and GRiiM's topic ?
So, a notorious Black Market Dealer, dealing with illegal items, drugs and may face years in prison if caught, trying to lay low without being noticed, steals a Police vehicle to go make a deal? Right.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
no i stole the cop car to get off the road, i took it behind BMD spawn nad game back around so it faced the right way. and left it unlocked, thne ePic took it while we noth had on suits nad the cop SHOT him while he was driving. just to take his car back. thne after that he said in chat " my names on my car so it must be mine", then we got my car and went to the deal in that ( after epic died i get a PM for the deal ) and we went on are ways, thne when we come back after the deal, hes raiding are base of contr and weed no warrants or PM nothign at all, and thne he called his " Friend " over to take the weed for him so he wouldt get in trouble for taking the weed as a cop. + i can assure u i Double Checked to make sure the doors where locked. also why would i cop do a random search of the BMD spawn !?!?!?? Plus in forum post #4 u see " it's was on the backup server, so we was not many people." he thinks it dosent matter cause no one was on.. u want this type of man playing on a good server ?!
If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.
(04-24-2012, 03:36 PM)Dima Kivnov Wrote: Epicface And Darkninja again ....

you two you do shit all day when your on the server and you gonna cry when a cop do his job. poor child

Oragoutan did his job he taze you and ask for warrant but your mad about it and the door was open ! i was outside

so stop cry about that and gg for fail lockpicking a car. when car is on the road you cant lockpick it just to travel. you two are just failBMD

""i hate this cop with a dieing passion cause ive seen him before prop climbing. not a fun man to be with on Fearless.""
Where the *** did you saw him prop climbing explain to me i was with him. stop say shity thing to get him banned.
First thing he was by himself man so you werent with him...

(04-24-2012, 03:10 PM)LORDofGNIE Wrote: Ok ... You are just an anoying kids . I've never random raid you . it's was on the backup server, so we was not many people.
Moreover the president was AFK. I couldn't got a warrant on you. When i've find you door open obvouisly i'm going inside to check the situation, suddenly i found your contra immediatly you have run in your house cause you saw me enter in your house. You have begin to cry. i had immediately understood you are the men who make this contra. So i taze you because i don't trust on you. Just after i have ask a warrant but the president was afk. So i've destroy your contra like a real cops and you have disconnect and you have written a banrequest on me ...
#5 tazes enough for you?
[Image: Epics_sig.jpg]
War. War never changes

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