Long time ago I was here.
Hello Everyone.

A few years back I used to play here alot and I'm actually pretty suprised that this place is still here!

I was gone for a long time time cus I was playing Arma 3 RP. I kinda miss going back to the roots tho Garry's mod and the fun moments I had here with people

For those who remember me, Please reply I'd like to see who's still here and not! 

I missed ya'll 

Kind Regards Darkerx
Welcome back!

if you are rejoinging fearless this is in the wrong section, it should be in the newcomers section
if your not rejoining ignore me.
[Image: ETQjSgL.jpg]
Made by Me X | Give a Rep, You May Get Something in Return *wink* ,Click Here
welcome back! I've never really played Arma 3 RP but it looks cool.
like dawson said this is in the wrong section, put it in https://fearlessrp.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=5
I never met you,but welcome back!
[Image: 7EmE7CZ.png]
Have I helped you or am I friendly?
Welcome back
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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