Banned unfairly (I didn't see him)
Your name: [FL:RP] Siiseli


Your ban ID: 5193

Banned by: [FL] AndreasÂ…Â…Denmark

Server: v2d

Involved: only me

Why we should unban you: okay so i came from the city with my lambo.. then i turned and POW! there was gundealer standing right front of me. i tried to break but too late and he got killed. well AndreasDenmark saw that and froze my car. i tried to explain that i didn't see him and i had no time to react but he didn't listen to me (as usual -.-") and i got banned. i know it was only one day but its weekend now and i will get bored to death if i can't play at fearless. Angel
You can't make an unban request for bans shorter than 24 hours.
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