Name of player: Jannik

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30488010

Time in GMT: 16:50 (GMT+1)

Server: V2D

Summary: He was proppushing vehicles and players.

Evidence: [Image: CE43F63BE80327600AF6FCFFFE9AACC1F8D56551]

[Image: B108E67041C257D3469CF1C74EF7D465183B8683]

[Image: 025165A1CAE3B723B9528210AF98E3EA41877F5E]
I have evidence too: http://imgur.com/a/M368R#0

All I have!
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player (Jannik, STEAM_0:0:30488010) was found violating rules regarding prop pushing .
Suspension will be applied for 4 days .

[FL] Floodify
Server Administrative Team
Kind Regards,

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