fail rp/ breaking rules
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I asked a player named waffle burger to check out what was going on in his house because his window was block and a different player was telling me to get off his porch. so he opend his door and I followed him to the back room which was owned by a different player. when he opend the door therer were two money makers. I asked him to break them and he said I had to leave the building for him to do that. I took pictures of him standing next to them.(he is a police officer) he closed the door and the player that owned the room started to puch me and told me to get out of his house that he did not own. waffle burger shot the wall next to the money makers and said he broke them. I opened the door to see if he broke them. I walked in the room intending to break them with my fire axe when they blocked me in the room and the owner of the room started to punch and shoot me. I made it out somehow alive and used props to block them so I could get away. I put some photos in to show im not making this up.
[Image: screenshots]
[Image: screenshots][Image: screenshots][Image: screenshots]
I hope these help.

both the players names are visable in the photos.
waffle burger

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