Your name: [FL:RP] KevinSTGPL

Your ban ID: 33438

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Mass CDM, causing a mingefest.

Involved: BrajanSTGPL , ExCrashu , JakubW and Vollimius

Why we should unban you: I would like to get UB ... Because I was wrongly banned ... I have a movie that could prove my innocence ... Ban received for CDM ... CDM is possible that a few people but in such a way that they're throwing in my car ...I have a video in which it shows ... My friends can attest to what was happening in the city ... BrajanSTGPL sat with me in the car and saw what was going on ... People proppushing me and everyone in town ... A lot of people got the wrong ban. I am very sad that I got banned for newbie players who are trolling ... I ask you to see the film, and considering my UB or at least reduce it ... I also request you unban my brother BrajanSTGPL STEAM_0: 1:31584261, Looked what was happening in the city ... My question is why reason ban was called "Mass CDM"?Police fired me and SRU ... I could not do anything after the car came to kill me, so it is possible that the cops drove one ... I would ask you to consider and report whether deserved ban. I'm sorry for everything and my english .. If you are unsure what to write and where ...'ll explain ...

This is evidence of the people who were running in front of my car hood and the police shooting people and me:


You can't be serious with these videos...

The first one shows you intentionally swerved into two players, running them over. The second one shows you stopping at a crosswalk, get your car and another car squished a player together.
In one cutscene guy spamming on micro, came to me at the wheel and drove it on purpose ... But to me it is more about what was going on behind my back ... I deliberately have not passed .. I'd have to show you what happened on my keyboard, but it's impossible | I have a proposal to discuss about what happened there ... I explain a few things
So basically, "someone" came and drove your car into some people?

Your account, your responsibility.

Actually, from your explanation on this thread I see that the ban was very valid.

Unban request denied.

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