Harrygomm Banned Without Warning or Chances
Your name:Harry Gomm
Your ban ID:2149
Banned by:[FL] Shark

Reason: Rdm and fail rp

Involved: There were 5 other players and shark

Why we should unban you: I should be un banned because Firstly, I was banned without any warning. I was never kicked or banned previously and the admin never told me to stop, He just banned me. Secondly, I rdmed these 5 people because they constantly swore and insulted me ,also they tryed rdm and cdm me before and I rdmed them to defend myself. And Finally, People who have cdmed and scammed before and also broken many more rules than me, have had much shorter bans and what happened with me, Happened all the way back in 2009.
First off, noone has to hold your hand and warn you, you're expected to follow the rules.
Second off, it's really not your call on the lengths of your or someone else's ban.
It wasnt 2009 it was 2011.

We will put this unban request into further review and this may take time due to the fact it has been that long and Shark is no longer with us on the administrating team
I don't see an actual reason to unban you
So, your only evidence to give us that you've grown as a person, is other people's bans? Also, in no way does an administrator have to hold your hand on the server. Warnings aren't necessary, it's your job to follow the rules.

I don't see a reason to unban you either.
User has 24h to show interest.
Way more than 24h passed.

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