Cpt Sharps unban request
Your name: (Steam friends name) Cpt Sharps

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)25663

Banned by: (Admin that banned you)Beflok

Reason: (Why were you banned, what's listed as the reason?)Doomforting

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the admin.) A bunch of cops and ss some corleones and some medics and firemen were in all the raids on our buildings.

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened) I wasn't doomforting, my base followed every building rule. It wasnt hard to get in, and there were keypads on all the doors. The keypad area could fit more than 2 people. There wasn't a bunch of fading doors. The first 1 had 2, and the second base had 1 so I can't see how I doomforted when I didnt have anything like mazes or jump puzzles I just had a crap load of guns and my CS:GO MLG buddy with me thats why it was hard for them to get in, not the base just 2 guys with way to many weapons. Also once the cops warranted me on the first base they walked right in if it was a doomfort they wouldnt have been able to do that.The cops and ss repeatedly broke NLR, and they constantly healed using medics. There were even Carleones and Civillians helping with the raid, so I don't see how they were legit.

TC224 there was keypads to get passed the gate and it was big enough so 2 people can fit in it so its not breaking any rules and we still took damage through the barricades the other day i died through it so saying that we couldnt get hit through it is invalid. And also you guys used medics and firemen in your raid which isnt allowed and u also raided us the secound time without reason and broke nlr so if anyones in the wronge its you guys.
Hi. This was the ban request posted on you: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=25663
You were using double barricades so bullets could not hit you, and the crouch glitch. To top it off you had a fence blocking any moments forward so anyone who came into your base would be a easy target.

Involved because I posted the ban request
Yeah nope these were doom forts.

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