BR Wure Doind
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?)
Wure Doind
SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)
Time in GMT: (When did it happen?)
Not exactly sure, it was between 11:30 and 12:30 at night, GMT +1.
Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)
Summary: (What happened?)
He broke fear RP, broke NLR twice and revengekilled through CDM. (The revengekill through CDM will have to be looked up in the logs, as it hit me by surprise, I had no chance to record it, I survived the incident though, Moviair died.)
However I personally have little evidence, the entire case can be backed by server logs.
Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)

Here's three videos of him..

This video shows a dead Chef's body on the ground and the scoreboard showing there is only one chef. Also look at my time played, it will confirm his NLR break in the next video.

This video shows a dead chef and a dead gundealer next to a Cabbie, moments later you can see the chef come back (again, 2nd time NLR) and grab his cabbie.

This video shows him breaking fear RP
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding Mass RDM / CDM, NLR.
Suspension will be applied for 1 week.

[FL] Jamie
Server Administrative Team

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