Unban michaekel
Your name: [FL] mke

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:11101

Your ban ID: 1

Banned by: [FL] Shadewie

Reason: Bad language and foul behavior.

Involved: POTUS, King of Saudi Arabia, Scooby Doo, me, Steve jobs and my cousin who is actually a bodybuilder.

Why we should unban you: Just some fun init lads? I believe I should be unbanned because I was close to receiving Moderator I heard from some inside sources. I will be nice from now on I swear Wink Plus I know the secret to unlocking the great monkey skull of Athabascan cave.

I'd also like to add that can I buy the cityrp gamemode for some csgo keys cause I'm gonna make my own server thanks!!
Troll UBR.


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