Player Report Mike2004
Thread Title: Report Mike2004
Name of player: Mike2004

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:73439558

Time in GMT:
Event one: Aprox 1 week ago as of January 30th 2015
Event two: A few hours before January 30th 2015 9:00PM AEST

Server: V33

Summary: Player Mike2004 agreed to a loan of the amount $150,000 and I gave him a week to pay this amount. I came online a week later and he refused to pay. I made an rp where I tied him up and beat him (Admin approved) and he said he will pay me in 3 days. He then called an admin for it (after he re-logged to get out of the ties) and Raptor (not sure of his new name I forgot) told me there was nothing he could do but he can choose to pay me or not.. We had an agreement which should be met. This is a major scam that should be dealt with. I later talked to Raptor and he told me the same thing, He said that the agreement was made in IC so it can't be solved in I made a court event and Mike refused to be present. We waited about half an hour yet he still didn't come. I told Raptor that he won't come and I believed it to be FailRP. He said it was not and explained to me again that he doesn't have to pay me the money.

I will get screen shots up later, steam is being a... and I can't access my screen shots. I will put them on ASAP tommorow. I want to go to bed as it's late and I just want this report up. Please do not fully judge until screen shots are up
Mishchap Witness

And don't just brush this off because 'He made an agreement in IC' It is not fair. he should follow rp and pay it back

'[FL:RP] Mike2004: Did I actually sign a contract or something (Roleplay)? Nope, I just said "yes". And if he wants his money back, its his problem. Raptor says that he should have only given money to trusted people.' He clearly had no intent to pay it back int he first place
I will get a screen shot of this from my friend Mishchap that Mike sent to him. If I do not receive the screen shot (due to deletes) it will be completely void and i will remove it
I've already explained this to you enough times.
You were not forced to pay him the money, you had a choice.
This is not a scam, you loaned him the money which was a choice that you've took.
Since you've said that he didn't have any intention to pay it back in the first place then why did you loan him the money? Denied.

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