Cupcake's Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP]IndestructibleCupcake

Your ban ID: 50243

Banned by: [FL]Flame

Reason: For killing a Police Officer for arresting my friend.

Involved: Me,The Officer

Why we should unban you: As police officer i have been killed by several people for arresting then friend, even hostaged. And on wednesday a person with Late 800hrs was arrested by me, he then brought 2 corleone friends to kill me, they tied me up. Started saying "You shouldn't of fucked with us" and ended up finishing me off with knifes/crowbars. I asked them in LOOC if this was allowed and they all said yes, they were all experienced players so i thought it was allowed. This wasn't the only time. I found a Illegal Gun Store as Guns were illegal and shops needed permits. I searched the place and arrested the Gun Dealer and BMD, they come back and kill me. So i get banned for protecting my friend from arrest, and the arrest was for a false reason. I think this very unfair. If this really pissed off the guy who i killed them I'm sorry.
Poseidon Corporation - Director of Government Relations
LGBTQR+ Society - Founding Director

"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." 
-Oprah Winfrey

He was banned with a false reason. He shall be unbanned.
It doesn't matter if the arrest on his part was false, you dont just kill someone because he is arresting a friend that promotes unnecessary aggresion.

Not to mention that your friend killed the police officer as gundealer.

Therefor Denied.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]

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