Unban req bandit
Your name: Bandit

Your ban ID: 43939

Banned by: [FL:M] GeorgeTheBoy

Reason: Breaking FearRP, random tranqing

Involved: Me and a Police officer

Why we should unban you: Well dunno why i was banned people were graffi'in the the nexus building due to uproar from president, i get chased i run and i pull out the only weapon i had from my inv which was a tranq gun, what happens then is the admin above flys me away then bans me for random tranqing people? this was literally taken out from inv that second he flew out of the ground, there was someone randomly tanqing people but it was not me nor is there any evidence against me i was banned without even getting to say it wasnt me its not right
I had reports of someone random tranqing. I flew around and saw you being chased by a police officer with his tazer out. You were running backwards so you could clearly see that the officer had his tazer out and yet you kept on running away. This is breaking FearRP.

As you were running away you then pulled out a Tranq, which I guess you were going to use against the officer. You say you pulled it out of your inventory the second I came up out of the ground, this is a lie.

You pulled out the tranq at 19:34:59 and I issued the ban at 19:40:06. I know for a fact it did not take me 5 minutes to type out the ban. You already had the tranq out while being chased by the police officer.
No i didnt as i was running backawards i pressed f1 and did it then he was going to taze me for standing by the nexus during the spray paint, twice today ive been cuffed and officers drove off or disconnected i wasnt the person that was random tranqin people im not that bad you even saw me pull it out as it was pulled out then outside the apartments if i was breaking rp for running away from a police officer i apologise i though we could do that ( as it happens in real life ) you could of had a quiet word with me about it rarther then a 24 hour ban
(02-04-2014, 07:54 PM)DJ13 Wrote: No i didnt as i was running backawards i pressed f1 and did it then he was going to taze me

[19:34:55] Bandit (STEAM_0:0:11433890) has used 1 ammo_darts
[19:34:59] Bandit (STEAM_0:0:11433890) said: /me takes out a Tranquillizer Sniper from their backup.

And this is you getting disconnected because of the ban.
[19:40:07] Bandit (STEAM_0:0:11433890) Disconnected

A little over five minutes. So, your statement is clearly a lie.

(02-04-2014, 07:54 PM)DJ13 Wrote: i apologise i though we could do that ( as it happens in real life )

Show me. Show me a video or a picture of a man running backwards from a police officer chasing him with a tazer, then producing a loaded tranquilizer rifle from his backpack. Show me.
You were still running when you pulled out the tranq, pressing F1 would of caused you to stop running. Also, placing elastics, hydraulics on something other than a prop, is not allowed.

Running away from someone with a weapon out is not allowed, you must abide by FearRP and be afraid of the weapon. The rule page is the first thing you see when joining the servers, if you had taken 2 minutes to read the page you would have avoided the ban. I don't expect to have to warn everybody that the thing they are doing is against the rules. Everyone else can read and abide by the rules, what makes you any different?
first of all pressing f1 doesnt make you stop running, 2nd of all i never said I was putting stuff on the building i said i was around like 20 other people, 3rd of all people do run from people with guns u kno alot of people run from police if i cant get unbanned so be it i find it very unfair that ive been banned for 24 hours for using somthing that you are able to buy in the server, you have this all wrong ive played fair every time and now because i ran and pulled out a tranq im banned so be it
i accept that running backwards away was fail rp but he was chasing me not saying a word im not sayin im not in the wrong maybe not lift the ban but at least shorten it from 24 hours its my last day of play tomorrow before i go back to base so would at least like to have that privilege back for tomorrow morning
Denied, length extended due to lying.

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