Instant ban without any kind of investigation
Exiscion STEAM_0:1:10605839 Random molotov into a crowd of people.
6 days, 11 hours

[b]Your name: Exiscion

[b]Your ban ID:32990

[b]Banned by: [FL] Vauld

[b]Reason: Random molotov into a crowd of people.

[b]Involved: All Corleone, And all rebels. And vault was standing in the croud maybe, cus the ban was so instant.

[b]Why we should unban you: This ban was ekstremely unfair. If you are able to check Rebels radio logs from before time of ban, you would see that we were planning a counter attack on the corleone, who was the crowd (the crowd of people was 6 corleone players), they were the ones we threw molo at, and also we were 2 guys who threw. We agreed that we had to make the corleone see that they cant mess with us without consequenses. Because they had stolen a car at first, and later they were sneaking into our base, were we killed 1 of them. Then we decided to torch their place as payback, but they were not home. So when we found them on the street we decided to do it there. The molotow was only hitting corleone's. One's we had done it, we would scream something like "next time you mess with us". But then instantly i got 6 days without being asked why i did. Vauld took no time to investigate this event, he just instantly banned the one person who threw and hit, and did not care to follow up on the rest of the rebels who all together was in on this.

So we did have a reason, to throw this molotov. And i was teleported or in any way asked why i did it. And all the other rebels were also fleeing from the scene with me.
There is absolutely no excuse to chuck a molotov into a crowd of corleones and civilians, I was in the crowd, so were a few other civilians. You missed once and the molotov ended up sitting in the road, burning.
I did not miss? i told you we were 2 who did the throwing, he missed, then we agreed i should give it a try. Yet sure, lets ban me?

You should have banned all Rebels, for plotting this and being a part of it. yet you dident investigate a thing. just some kind of instant 6 day ban..

And also you say there is no reason for a molo into a crowd. Yet the rules say that we need an rp reason. and i have provided that. Which you could have gotten had you teleported me and asked
I banned the person who did the act. As I said, it's lovely you have an RP reason, but it's not okay to throw a molotov into a crowd of people. There wasn't JUST corleones in the crowd, multiple civilians got hit. It's un-needed agressive RP and attempted RDM/RDM on the civilians. And not only that, but you set a guys house on fire.
I must have missed the rule stating that even if "you have an RP reason, but it's not okay to throw a molotov into a crowd of people" ...
i dont think you getting the point
it was a group of more than your target, people who are not involved so against them its RDM, not to mention some guys poor house got burned
Im sorry, i just dont recall any civilians near the impact zone. But it seemed so aggresive not to bother asking, seeing that i hold only 15% of the fault here. I was sure there was nothing wrong with it, since we had 3-4 guys with over 200 ingame hours saying that we should do it ..

When you do theese shoot first, dont bother to ask questions bans, the rp on the server dies. It should be focused on making people do the right things. Obviously we were 6 guys unaware off this being a rule break. I think people
are afraid of having fun on the server, if you keep banning like that. At some point people are just afraid of admins, not because they have done anything wrong on purpose. But because bans doesnt allways come to those who deserve it. I read the rules, and a matter like this its hard to tell wether or wether not its allowed. Because we thought it seemed like great rp to do like a "drive by" molo taunt. That wasnt gonna kill anyone.
There were civilians there, I was in the impact zone. Regardless of who was involved, I caught you in the act, therefore you received a suspension. I'm not going to argue semantics with you. Be more careful next time. Other than that, there is really nothing to say. Any last comments?
Innocent get injured in gang-wars all the time, he's probably the first one to get banned when he actually had an RP reason to molotov anyone.

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