Unban request
[b]Your name: Zephyrus

[b]Your ban ID: 31805

[b]Banned by: Beflok

[b]Reason: Intentionally trying to crash the server, Mass prop spam

[b]Involved: A

[b]Why we should unban you: Look, I'm so sorry for what my brother did. If you unban me I guarantee you will not hear from me again. I've been really bored lately and have been playing on other crappy darkrp servers full of abusive admins that probably don't know what RP stands for. My brother has his own computer now so has no reason to even come near mine. I will be so grateful if you would unban me, even if it wasn't immediate like for a month. I really enjoy your server and it is what made me love Gmod so much and I'm pretty sure that most of my hours are from fearless. Please unban me Beflok, I'm a lot more cautious of logging off my computer now. Just one more chance and if for some reason i get banned, I will not annoy you with unban request's again. Please, I am literally begging you to unban me.

I think this song expresses my feelings for fearless: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5w142CaROC0
Zero tolerance violation - ban remains permanent.

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