Random ban?
Your name: ∞€T€RNAL∞

Your ban ID: 25493

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Reason: Mass Prop Spam (?)

Involved: Nobody that I know of?

Why we should unban you: I really don't have a clue what this ban is for. I spent a night playing on one of the RP servers as SS, and I then left for the evening to go to bed. The next day I tried to join the server, only to be told I was banned. Not having the slightest clue what the ban could be for, I checked the ban list. I found to my surprise that I had a ban for 19 days 17 hours, for 'Mass Prop Spam'. I still don't have any idea why I was banned, as to my knowledge the only props I used was involved in building a fading security door in the Nexus. I don't know if this is a case of being banned by mistake, but I am pretty sure that I didn't prop spam.
Quick update since there hasn't been a reply from an admin yet. The only thing I can possibly think of is that I was doing an RP with the guy playing as President (Don't know his name), and I piled up some skull props at his feet, to make him look like an evil despot. I completely removed the props within a couple of minutes, and it didn't cause any problems to anyone. Even so, I still cannot comprehend why I got such an absolutely extraordinary ban time (20 days) for something that wasn't prop spam, but props created for a genuine RP....
This is a joke right? would you like to have a ban extended for lying too? When I was going through the logs I saw massive prop spam.

You spammed skulls and fountains. I already talked to a SA about this and he approved.

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