Your name:tandy234

Your ban ID:25496

Banned by:[FL] Beflok

Reason:'random raiding'


Why we should unban you: I wasn't randomly raiding, i heard that he had contraband and i wanted to destroy it, so that's why i was raiding his house. And by the way he didn't even give me time to explain why i was raiding him and this is extremely unfair.Angry
Yours sincerely,
Fearless Member
Sir/mam Please do not lie on these unban requests. I gave you PLENTY of time to state why you raided.

You said: " I wanted to check if he had contra"

You never said I heard a contra noise.

Do not make me out to be the bad guy I have logs showing I gave you plenty of time which you did not give me a valid reason over mic.


Banned player,
Please make sure to follow all of our rules in the future to avoid further disciplinary action.
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