Ban request x2
Name of player: OnAnix (DK) Aka Simon, Fragmenta* .wgc

SteamID: OnAniX (DK) Aka Simon STEAM_0:0:23014933,
Fragmenta*.wgc STEAM_0:0:9409184

Time in GMT: GMT+1 16:05 23/12/12

Server: v2p

Summary: I was raiding the presiden He had 4 keypas, he fearrped, he was double dooring and he removed evetything to escape . Then he went down I followed after him than I meet a cop downstairs he had his gun down with ''E+Left Mouse'' And I had my AK pointed on him than he takes hes gun up and tries to kill me obviously fearrp also. Than they all started saying it was random. But before all this happends I was building a house by the cliff at the lake a cop came and said if I had a building license than I didn't and the president had set a arrest warrant on me than he made a law that no one may build a house at the cliff just to irritate me because I said it was a pretty random arrest. I think that its a fail law and that it is a pretty good damn reason to raid so I just did it.

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player OnAniX (DK) Aka Simon was found violating rules regarding FailRp,Double-Dooring/keypadding, FearRP.
Suspension will be applied for 1 week.

[FL] Jamie
Server Administrative Team

Side Notes:

The Cop did nothing wrong, You both had your weapons down when you exited the elevator and you both pulled them out when you saw one another, Also, You are not allowed to raid as unemployed.

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