Help needed for my son
I am writing for my son from denmark, to help with the english.
He has been baned FOREVER, from garaysmode from a Killjoy how is admin. He is baned FOREVER, and it says Ban request 18108 approved - Propblocking, public building, failure to learn from previous bans

But he has not done any of this, he was AFK, why it is saying this, and what to do for him, this it NOT okay, how is checking the bans and how can it write???

On behalf of my son, Camilla
Hello rasmussol,

Before we're able to continue here, I would like to bring out the following links which you should get acquainted with:

Here's an outtake from your ban history:
[Image: 64758.PNG]

And here's the processed ban request which lead to the permanent suspension:

The evidence presented in regards to these infractions is indisputable, therefor the suspensions will not be revoked.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Sorry to just randomly write, but I am a witness of this "help with english"

He spoke to me before, and there was no problem with the english there.

EDIT: The "help" looked like a 12 year old wrote it.
I would like to point out, I really doubt it is his parent writing this, I've heard him speak English down the mic on too many occasions.
The only thing that sustains me is my satanic lust for rep
We're not debating over who's writing the appeal, as it doesn't make any difference whatsoever. The account was banned with legitimate reasons.

Closed - thread has not been edited to meet our requirements.

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