Pilot-Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP] Pilot

Your ban ID: 8199

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Server: rp_Evocity_v2d

Involved: Outcast61

Why we should unban you: Alright, I was walking around with my friend trying to sell stuff. I was a chef, a taxi driver clearly approached me and punched me. I acted in self defense as I ran to chase him down. When I got to the nexus lobby I found him there, and I killed him for what he did. It was not RDM in any sort of way. If you consider it, then you must not be very aware of how it really is. I completely understand that beflok is a new admin. I am not aware of a second killing.
Lets look into this from my point of view.
A guy punched you and ran away. You chased him down and found that it would be fair game if you gunned him down?

Tell me, do you stab people who bump into you on the streets in real life?
Request reviewed and pushed back.

Pushback notes:
Suspension has expired.

[FL] Killjoy
Server Administrative Team

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