[Tips/Ideas] UK-style roleplaying!

Thought I'd do a cheeky guide so people can improve their UK-style governments. I'll do this by providing the equivalent for each job and tips on how to perform the equivalent roles, finishing with common things that differ in the British Isles compared to over the pond such as laws. I'll update it as and when, as it'll be quite hefty, so for now it's just the two heads. 

Equivalent: The equivalent position for a city of Evo City's apparent size would be a directly elected Mayor, such as Sadiq Khan. Mayors oversee a local authority, in this case the evo city government. If Evo City is to be considered a country, then the closest position is Prime Minister.
Role in the UK: The role of a mayor in the UK is to oversee their elected councillors and provide a visible face for the city's councillors. Mayors are partisan, but can also be independent, which occurs often in local councils. Mayors are indeed still a city councillor and sit on meetings and committees relating to things such as tax, local services and relations with external authorities, such as the Police and NHS.

If acting as PM, then the role of the PM is to 1. manage the cabinet and ensure compliance of the cabinet with the party and 2. represent their local constituency. The PM is responsible for lots and little; such is the democratic process, prime ministers do not have overarching power like Presidents do in the US. They are simply the most senior member of parliament; not head of the executive branch or commander in chief of the army, for example.
Adapting the role to FL: The best method of applying this role to Fearless is to not get caught up in Americanisms. There are no republicans or democrats. Prime Ministers can be removed and replaced with Votes of No Confidence. Keep this in mind when trying to imitate a UK government and keep your employees happy. The prime minister often travels without a huge array bodyguards; they're simply not massively needed here. They are low profile. Liaising directly with constituents is a massive deal here; players wishing to roleplay as a PM/Mayor should really get stuck in as opposed to directing orders from the Nexus.

Vice President
Equivalent: There actually isn't a de jure equivalent to this role in the UK. When in coalition, it may be decided to have the smaller party leader as Deputy PM. In normal runnings, the PM appoints a 'First Secretary of State', who takes on the role on top of their cabinet role. The First Secretary is de facto the prime minister's deputy but there isn't any real power assigned to the role and they perform basically like any other member of the cabinet. The closest equivalent when there is no First Secretary in place would be the Chancellor/Finance Minister.
Role in the UK: Since there isn't really any power assigned to the role, the deputy is the PM's closest advisor and right hand man. If the PM is unable to attend events or perform prime ministers questions, the deputy will fill in.
Adapting the role to FL: Adapting this to FL is a matter of reining in the power the VP has and instead of almost 'fighting' the president for power much like many FL pres/VP combos, assisting them and maintaining a close relationship with the President based on helping the President shape a secure state.

SRU/SRU Sergeant
Equivalent/Role in the UK: The SRU is a job that is rarely named in and of itself. For the UK, there are several equivalents, depending on how militarised and London centralised you want to be in your roleplay. I'll start from the bottom.
ARVs - These are your bog standard armed officers. In the Shire counties, there will usually be anywhere from 2-5 ARVs patrolling the force jurisdiction. ARVs deploy to anything with weapons; from a bread knife to a gun. They do however perform normal patrols and otherwise; I've seen black dot cars at motorway services changing tyres.
SFOs - Specialist firearms officers. These are inherently different from ARVs in that they are specialists - you will not see an SFO out on the streets, like you may see AFOs and ARVs. They are solely deployed to face terror and similar incidents. If you want to be an SFO, don't walk around outside the nexus. This may be acceptable for AFOs who are the face of many diplomatic missions in the UK, but not for SFOs.
CTSFOs - A London only unit, they are self explanatory. Counter terrorism SFOs respond to incidents of high urgency. I'm not sure how incredibly useful they've been yet, since most terrorist incidents are over within minutes and the amount of time it takes to assemble such a team is lengthy in comparison. If you want to roleplay as 'the biggest and baddest', go for it.
SAS Blue Thunder - Don't really know much about this as am not properly acquainted with the army's policy on own national level response. Seems to be a specialist air unit, flown in using unmarked helicopters, with big fk off guns and specialist training. For military based SRU RPs, this may be your best bet. 
Adapting to FL: This is something you can interpret on your own, since the gun threat in the UK is so minute, with the structure of our forces reflecting this. Analyse the equivalents above and their roles and apply it to your own level of roleplay. More casual roleplayers may want to go for the ARVs since they have a looser and wider responsibility range than the others.

Above anything, remember that the special teams of the UK are just that; special. Their use is much more restrictive than US counterparts.
Modelling/Texturing Contributor

Great set of tips and ideas Nuka, very helpful for anyone wanting to change up their leadership roleplay.

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