no reason
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Not using the template
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Not using an appropriate, descriptive subject when posting
i was banned when i was trying to kill my self with a prop when i was bugged in to 2 other players no one els got hurt and the admin just banned me he didnt ask me for nothing (pinkie pie )
Unban request denied.

Reason: Not using the template.

Are you actually being serious here, you just named 3 reasons to ban you in one sentence, all titled "no reason"?

1. You were trying to kill yourself.
2. You were using props to push/kill yourself.
3. You were not calling the admin to unstuck, instead you decided to bring other people in danger by proppushing/killing.

After all this you actually have the audacity to write an unban request without using the template and labeling it "no reason".
Dare to think!

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