Haazey's Unban request
Your name: Haazey

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53009291

Your ban ID: 68368

Banned by: [FL:M] Tomo

Reason: FearRP

Involved: N/A

Why we should unban you: before this i was picking up a friend who was in need, as he got in my car the swat member shot me dead instantly, i called a thousand times but ofc this is fearless admins never come. I waited 10 mins and went back and decided to get my friends car that was at the scene because my car was broke, i start driving of then the SWAT tells me to get out, i stop and go to pull over otherwise when i get out the wall i would have got stuck in the wall and again, i was no threat to him he shoots me so Fear RP was of so i decided to try drive of to save my life and Tomo picks me up.

He has time to watch someone getting arrested rather then dealing with him when he shot me when i was no threat, tomo you know what you saw and it was completely unfair what you did.

Aswell you was in teamspeak so he could of told you lies and you were able to go to him directly because you was in his channel

[Image: 97815bf3faeb6ca042c6064953e03a81]
[Image: IbHBvag.png]
If you like BMW M4's +rep me.

I'm sure the other guys UBR is on it's way and I'll be replying to that as well.

Firstly, the situation began when I was in pursuit of a vehicle I believed to be dangerous, driven by Mr.Dan?? , failing to stop, crashing into cars and endangering citizens lives. The pursuit went on for roughly 5-10 minutes and ended up at Corleone Villa, I ran the car into a post box, got out and aimed my gun at him whilst he was reversing, as he turned and began to drive off - I shot one bullet at his tyre (IC'ly attempting to immobilize the vehicle). I then got back in my car and continued pursuit down the tunnel. I managed to head the car off, get out and point my weapon at him, forcing him out (Mr. Dan I believe?) he then got out, followed my command to face the wall and allowed me to handcuff him (clearly showing he was following Fear-RP), Haazey then drove his car about 10 meters away from Dan an Dan ran off to get in it whilst under FearRP. I then proceeded to take lethal action on the drive as a last stand attempt to put the now-passenger in custody as it was clearly an organised set up.

Whilst myself and Dan were discussing the situation, Haazey came back after about 5 minutes, picklocked the car infront of me and got in it. I pointed my weapon at him, asking him (Haazey) to get out, he failed to do so after several commands and continued to drive off, Tomo was present and watching this and openly saw Haazey break fearRP. Hence the ban.

I would also like to point out that Haazey knew he broke this rule (Fear-RP) and also NLR timer, and still posted this thread.

It clearly states NOT to post if you know you broke the rules.

Why could'nt you have tryed shooting my tire? rather then shooting a 1000 bullets into me and not even attempting to pursue me.
[Image: IbHBvag.png]
If you like BMW M4's +rep me.
The persuit had already taken place, due to the situation, I had reason to believe it was an organised set-up and something that well planned could put my life in danger, I took justified action to protect my own life.

It was a last resort.
I would also like to point out that not once whilst I was present did Dan attempt to call for help from a friend, if the logs are checked, I'm sure there were no messages sent privately either.

This means their set up was done out of game meaning that this whole situation was meta-gamed.
Hi Haazey,

I was in a TS channel with a load of people and I hear Mike say to me "Tomo could you come here this guy just broke FearRP". I teleported to him invisible and muted TS because I could not hear anything ingame as everyone else was yelling in the channel. Mike was having a conversation with Mr Doc. After a few minutes, we hear a car alarm and you start to drive towards us in Mr Doc's raptor. 

Mike told you to get out and you did not, so I stopped the car. You now say that you were about to pull over but you were clearly accelerating away after hesitating for a moment as Mike walked past the front of the car. I grabbed you and told you that you were breaking FearRP. At the time, you had absolutely no objections or anything. You were more worried about telling me to punish Mike than you were to say anything about the fact that you broke FearRP. I told you very clearly in local OOC that you had broken FearRP and you did not try to tell me anything about the fact that you were "about to pull over", you only brought that up now. 

I see no reason why you should be unbanned.

[FL:M] Tomo
Fearless Moderator
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
User broke the rules.


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