Ban Request on dukeadawickid420
Name of player: dukeadawickid420

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:49835087

Time in GMT: 10 min ago

Server: v2d

Summary: he cdm 1 guy when and when my friend try to arrest him he shoot him so he rdm and cdm after this he try to prop kill me but i taze him and he dc

Evidence: [Image: 2tqHDG.jpg]
[Image: CStOVn.jpg]
[Image: bOIAiM.jpg]
[Image: RJ6A6T.jpg]
[Image: CEA24m.jpg]
[Image: deT0h4.jpg]
[Image: ARgeET.jpg]
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]

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