Ban Request: Hugo Bones
Name of player: Hugo Bones

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82798458

Time in GMT: 18:44pm (6:44pm)

Server: V33X

Reason[b]: CDM

: So I was talking with another user, Who's name I dont recall, When Hugo gets out his hummer, And purposely reverses into me, and simply drives off. This may of been revenge for me trying to arrest him earlier, But he nor I claim to that.

I am very sorry for doing this, This wasnt on purpose For real.. Yeah you know I did some crimes today which are all wrong understanded.. I live in turkey and the internet sucks very badly my ping shows low but it is like imposible to drive a car when it is 21.09 at Istanbul,, I am very sorry for cdming you but that wasnt on purpose I will make my self get cruise control and make my top speed 25mph but I was in hard times thats why I couldnt buy it because Ive been having hard times ...

About the crimes today I didnt even burgle a house because They let me in the house.. I even have a screenshot that Reefaz snitching me to u Peter, they let me in and he told me "lelz" in the comments I even have a screenshot of it

Sorry alot for the stupidness of me.
Regarding the CDM, If you have bad ping for whatever reason you should not be driving in the first place, I cant stress how many people CDM then claim it was lag.
Well I typed ''lel'' because you broke in and denyed it but got arrested, The lel was more like a ''Lol you failed to get away with it''
[Image: U6EJtzI.jpg]
Thanks DVN for the signature.

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