MrMcpressure's unban application
Your name:MrMcpressure

Your ban ID:43442

Banned by:[FL:M] Venom

Reason:Breaking FearRP

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Well basically some guy got run over and I was just walking past, I started running down the highway and the police officer thought I was involved with the accident, but I was not.So he Tarazed me for no reason and hand-Cuffed me.I said to him 3 times down the mic i'm not part of what happened and try to walk out of the road, then some guy started shooting the police and I got banned for no reason.So I do not personally know what I got banned for?, I got arrested for no reason and told him, so I tried to run away?

Many thanks Mcpressure
You got banned for breaking FearRP. I had you cuffed at KFC and while I had a tazer at you and continued to do /y around 30 times you decide to keep running even after I taze you, it runs out, you then get back up and keep running.
I was running away because I was incessant and did not do anything.

And yes I was talking in voice, i'm sorry for what ever I did wrong and i'm new to the server.Surely you could say .// that i'm doing it wrong.Just please unban me its a Saturday night and i'm bored as anything.I'm really sorry and this will not happen again.
You weren't innocent...I wouldn't be arresting you for no reason. And, just because you are bored doesn't mean you should be unbanned.
Yes I was, I did nothing wrong I was just running along a road.
Denied, rules were broken.

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