Unban Request
Your name: BurritoBus

Your ban ID: 43414

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: Jumping gate, propblock X 2

Involved: a

Why we should unban you: Both of the things that I supposedly did in this ban seem too strange or dumb for a person like me. My friend made it clear to me when I first started playing on FearlessRP to look at the rules and I know that prop blocking is a serious thing so therefore I know to never do that ever. My home that I was most recently staying in did have defenses set up, but they most certainly didn't stop anyone from entering anywhere in my home. There was also a section blocked by a fading door with a keypad inside that I knew the code to. The fading door blocked the entrance to another room with no door there in the first place. An officer/admin could have easily asked for the code if required, which a situation like that never arose. The jumping over a gate part seems weird because I have absolutely no recollection or desire to jump over any gates anywhere. What I think may have happened here is that I was accidentally banned. This is just a thought as to what has happened in my mind. One last thing is that I was never spoken to about what I supposedly did wrong ever. Thank you for reading.
You had a concrete barricade set up at the front door which required jumping to get over. You also had a fading door with no way of entering from the outside, then another fading door with no entering from the outside again, hence the "Propblock X 2".

Here's the concrete barricade:

Here's the first propblock:
Yes, those are defenses that you can get over by sprinting up to them, then jumping, and then finally crouching to get over. I made sure to test for that myself before leaving my home and it worked. The wooden fading door had a keypad on the stove in the kitchen section with the inappropriate, but true code of 6969 and then finally, there was a second layer prop disguised as wood after said fading door that I made no collide so anyone could walk through it once through the fading, but to anyone peeking over it would just see it at as a wooden wall like the rest of the house. I hope this all gets cleared up soon. Where is the part about the jumping over a fence as well because I can't think of anytime where that could apply.
By "jumping gate" I was referring to the concrete barriers which required to be jumped over in order to be passed.
Rules Wrote:Base rules
9.Doom forts are not allowed. This means you cannot make it hard for the opposing force to raid you. (ex: mazes, having to crouch or jump over props, small firing holes.)

Also, the fading door you had was clearly not allowed as can be seen in the rules:
Rules Wrote:Door rules
2.When you build custom doors use the fading door tool and place keypads and/or buttons on both sides.
3.Keypads or buttons needs to be visible, accessible and their function has to be clear.

Denied, rules were broken.

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