Unban Request - Mistake has been made
Your name: iiM Pro MiiaN x

Your ban ID: 40443

Banned by: [FL:M] Pavilion

Reason: FailRP as SRU, shooting the President.

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Because there has been a mistake made, you see, I never actually hit the president, or even killed him, my mouse got stuck and I shot the wall nearest him. This didn't occur a second time, as the mouse only got stuck once, therefore it is trustworthy. Please notice this as a mere mistake, thanks.
You kept on getting your gun out on me and saying random things, afterwards saying "It's just a joke"
When I then leave the jails you decide to shoot at the doors that makes ricochet and hits me... You kept on failrping as SRU due to the things you "joked" about.

I feel like this ban is just and should not be removed.
As Martin just stated, you were completely FailRP'ing, and you did not in fact accidentally shoot because your mouse was stuck, it was blatantly intentional, it did hit the President, taking 6hp.

A heads up, lying in the court house can lead to a permanent ban.
You clearly shot me.
We can see from the video, you blatantly lied in the court house, and to add to that, used racial slurs.

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